Since 1977, NDMA has been honoring physicians with this prestigious award that recognizes physicians for outstanding leadership and service to the people of North Dakota. NDMA created this Physician Community and Professional Services Award to recognize outstanding members of our organization who serve as role models and are active in both their profession and in their community.
The 2021 recipient of the NDMA Physician Community and Professional Services Award is Dr. Casey Ryan.
Nominated by Dr. Kevin Mork and Dr. Randy Szlabick, Dr. Ryan is very deserving of this award. His dedication to providing outstanding commitment to the community in the field of medicine as a clinician, teacher, leader, and volunteer in the Grand Forks community and the UND School of Medicine and Health Sciences is unsurpassed.
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Friend of Medicine

Molly Howell
ND Department of Health
Immunization Director & Assistant Section Chief Disease Control
The Friend of Medicine Award recognizes a non-physician for distinguishing themselves by serving as effective advocates for health care, patient services, or the profession of medicine in the state of North Dakota.
The 2021 recipient of the Friend of Medicine Award was Molly Howell.
Molly serves as the North Dakota Department of Health Immunization Director & Assistant Section Chief Disease Control. Nominated by Dr. Joan Connell, Molly is very deserving of this award as she has worked tirelessly in overseeing state immunizations, including her outstanding efforts to maximize COVID-19 immunizations.
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Outstanding Leadership in Health Care Policy

Greg Westlind
North Dakota Representative
District 15
This year, for the second time in history, the North Dakota Medical Association is recognizing an individual for Outstanding Leadership in Health Care Policy.
The Outstanding Leadership in Health Care Policy Award was given to North Dakota Representative Greg Westlind, District 15.
Through the 2021 legislative session, Representative Westlind worked tirelessly educating legislators on the importance of strong policy in health care and championed many policies that stood to provide a platform of better health care for North Dakota citizens.
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NDMA COPIC Humanitarian Award

Dr. James Miles
Altru Health Systems
Pediatric Neurologist

For the third year, NDMA is pleased to present the NDMA COPIC Humanitarian Award. This award honors a physician for volunteer medical services and contributions to the community.
As part of the award, COPIC designates a $10,000 donation to a 501 (c)(3) charity of the recipient’s choice.
The recipient of the 2021 COPIC Humanitarian Award was Dr. James Miles.
Dr. Miles was nominated by Make a Wish North Dakota. Dr. James Miles has made an indelible mark on children across North Dakota, not only through his work as one of only two board certified, fellowship trained pediatric neurologists in the state, but also through his volunteer work, which has focused on supporting children with critical or life-threatening illnesses.
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COPIC is a great investment. Frequency of claims among COPIC insureds is 30% less than the national average.
The North Dakota Medical Association (NDMA) is pleased to partner with COPIC as the endorsed medical professional liability insurance provider for its members.