Thank you for voting!

Thank you for voting!

We hope you can join us at the 2023 NDMA Annual Meeting!


If you have not already registered, REGISTER HERE!


Download a brochure here.

Register Today!

Complete the online registration form here, or scan this code.



Rooms can be reserved at the Canad Inn by scanning the QR code, or by using this link. To get the group rate, use the Group ID 1751.


Submit a Policy

Learn more here.

Officer Elections

Learn more here.

Program and Speakers

Learn more here.

Award Nominations

Nominations open until August 31. Awards will be given to:

  • Physician Community and Professional Services

  • Friend of Medicine

  • COPIC Humanitarian

To nominate someone for an award, or to learn more use this link.

COPIC is a great investment. Frequency of claims among COPIC insureds is 30% less than the national average.

The North Dakota Medical Association (NDMA) is pleased to partner with COPIC as the endorsed medical professional liability insurance provider for its members.

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