
March 2025

Physician Day at the Capitol

03/25/2025  10:00 AM 


Tuesday, March 25, 2025
10 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Memorial Hall
North Dakota Capitol - Bismarck


This is a great opportunity to meet and become better acquainted with your lawmakers on specific health care bills.



The event will be a joint venture with ND Hospital Association (Hospital Day), ND Academy of Family Physicians, ND Emergency Medical Services Association, the ND Academy of Physician Assistants, the North Dakota Academy of Pediatrics, and the North Dakota Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons.

Legislators want to hear from physicians to learn more about current health issues. As physicians, your comments on medical-related issues are important because you experience changes in healthcare delivery every day.


For more information contact NDMA at 701-223-9475, or email


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