On the Hill



Priority Bills for March 5 - 7

This marks the first week of Crossover, which begins on Wednesday, making it a short week. Here's what we will be watching:


Wednesday, March 5


10:00 AM
SB 2171 This bill relates to an emergency mental health situation. There is concern about the involuntary hold/treatment North Dakota statute 25-03.1-26. In rural North Dakota it is difficult to find an expert to examine the individual in a 24-hour period. A 24-hour hold may expire while the person is still in transport to a treatment facility. The bill extends the hold to 72 hours of admission. House Human Services, Pioneer Room.

1:30 PM
HB 1203 Relating to regulating edible medical marijuana products; and to amend and reenact section 19‑24.1‑01 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to definitions of medical marijuana products. It adds a section that includes edibles and changes in quantity limits. Senate Human Services, Fort Lincoln.

3:45 PM
SB 2255 Relating to the qualifications, term, and duties of the state health officer. House Human Services, Pioneer.

Thursday, March 6


1:00 PM
HB 1267 Relating to optometrist licensure and telemedicine/distant site providers. Senate Workforce Development, Fort Lincoln.


On the Hill
Priority Bills for February 24-28

Since the bulk of NDMA's priority bills have already gone through the hearing process, this week's work will focus on monitoring committee work and following through on bills that need extra attention.

Outstanding bills that need to be voted on the floor include vaccines, licensure of international physicians, UND School of Medicine budget, including a resolution to remove the mill levy, diagnostic breast examination cost-sharing, and medical exam room restrictions placed on a physician limiting dialogue between a physician and patient. 

On the Hill
Priority Bills for February 17-21

HB 1012 Since the bulk of NDMA's priority bills have already gone through the hearing process, this week's work will focus on monitoring committee work. As part of NDMA's policy work, the commitment to work hand in hand with the North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services on behalf of behavioral health programs, NDMA will spend considerable time monitoring the budget process for HB 1012.

Thursday, February 20

2:15 PM
HB 1039 A BILL to amend section 43-17.3-01 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the definition of licensee eligible for participation in the physician health program. The amendment to the North Dakota Century Code would extend the program to all former licensees.

This would cover individuals who were a part of the program and, for whatever reason, are no longer licensed. For example, a licensee who has a substance use disorder and is not safe to practice, and therefore, their license is suspended. Allowing such individuals to continue or be eligible for enrollment with the PHP gives them a better chance of getting their licenses back after rehabilitation and treatment. Workforce Development, 2:15 pm, Fort Lincoln Room

Note that HB 1039 already passed through the House without any opposition (90 yeas, 0 nays); and the bill crossed over to the Senate; THEREFORE, since the Senate has time to address this bill - and several others - before crossover, they are in a sense ahead of the game. Crossover is February 28. This is the deadline for all bills to be heard on the floor and then cross chambers.


On the Hill
Priority Bills for February 10-14

Monday, February 10

10:00 AM
HB 1108 Relating to interstate contracts for treatment of mental illness or a substance use disorder; and to declare an emergency. Senate Human Services, Fort Lincoln

Tuesday, February 11

9:00 AM
SCR 4023 A concurrent resolution to repeal section 10 of article X of the Constitution of North Dakota, relating to the statewide property tax levy of one mill for support of the state medical center at the University of North Dakota. Senate Finance and Taxation, Fort Totten

NOTE: Two bills, SCR 4023 in the Senate and HCR 3012 in the House, attempt to repeal the medical school's mill levy. NDMA opposes both bills.

Wednesday, February 12

9:00 AM
HCR 3012 A concurrent resolution to repeal section 10 of article X of the Constitution of North Dakota relating to the statewide property tax levy of one mill for support of the state medical center at the University of North Dakota. House Finance and Taxation, Rm 327E

9:00 AM
HCR 3014 - A concurrent resolution urging public health, health care systems, and health care providers to prioritize primary prevention in addressing vitamin D deficiency through multifaceted precision public health and medicine approaches. House Human Services, Pioneer Room

9:30 AM
HB 1570 - Relating to the creation of a tobacco tax distribution behavioral health fund and the collection, transfer, and report of a tax on electronic smoking devices and alternative tobacco products; to amend the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the tax imposed on cigarettes and other tobacco products. House Finance and Taxation, Rm 327E

Thursday, February 13

9:00 AM
SB 2270 Relating to the licensure of international physicians. Senate Workforce Development, Fort Lincoln

10:30 AM
SB 2222 Relating to the certification and sale of assistance animals; to amend and reenact sections 25‑13‑01.1 and 47‑16‑07.5 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to definitions associated with assistance animals and disability documentation for a service or assistance animal in a rental dwelling, and to provide a penalty. NDMA opposes this bill due to the penalty placed on medical providers - a person violating this section is guilty of an infraction for a first offense and a class B misdemeanor for a second or subsequent offense. Senate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs, Fort Union

2:45 PM
HB 1283 - A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 54-52.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to diagnostic breast examination and supplemental breast examination cost-sharing restrictions and to provide for a report to the legislative assembly. COMMITTEE WORK - House Appropriations, Roughrider


On the Hill
Priority Bills for February 3 - 7

Monday, February 3

9:00 AM
SB 2232 A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 50-25.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to an exemption for postpartum exposure to controlled substances and alcohol; to amend and reenact sections 50-25.1-16 and 50-25.1-17 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to reporting requirements for prenatal exposure to controlled substances and alcohol abuse and toxicology test requirements; and to repeal section 50-25.1-18 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to reporting requirements for prenatal exposure to alcohol misuse. Senate Human Services, Fort Lincoln

9:00 AM
HB 1464 A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 23-12 and a new section to chapter 50-24.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to postpartum doula certification and medical assistance benefits for postpartum doula services. The bill is intended to enhance care for Medicaid patients. House Human Services, Pioneer Room.

9:30 AM
HB 1450 A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 14-10 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to parent and guardian access to the medical examination room of a minor. This bill places an unhealthy strain on the minor and the providing medical professional, as it compromises the patient and physician relationship to provide effective care. House Human Services, Pioneer Room.

9:30 AM
HB 1349 A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact section 32-42-02 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to liability limits for health care malpractice actions or claims; to provide an effective date; and to provide an expiration date. House Judiciary, Room 327B.

2:30 PM
HB 1267 A BILL for an Act relating to optometrist licensure. House Industry Business & Labor, Room 327C

2:30 PM
SB 2286 - - A BILL for an Act to provide for a legislative management study regarding university of North Dakota health profession programs; and to provide an appropriation. This bill is to study funding education and internships statewide for all programs at an expanded university of ND health professions collaborative facility. An appropriation includes funds to construct an addition to UND SMHS to expand workforce & research. Senate Education, Room 216.

Tuesday, February 4


A total of four vaccine bills will be heard. Some impact the practice of medicine. All bills will be opposed.

9:30 AM
HB 1457 A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 23-12 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to an exemption to required vaccines. The department shall publicize an if an exemption exists for required vaccines that do not meet the minimal standards under this section. Notwithstanding any other law, an individual who is required to receive a vaccine for any purpose, including as a condition of employment, school attendance, or securing a license, certification, or degree, may claim an exemption from the requirement if the food and drug administration does not approve a vaccine;  The department posts on its website the injuries or disease caused by the vaccine and the rate at which the injury or disease occurs due to the vaccine. House Human Services, Pioneer Room.

10:15 AM
HB 1467 A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 23-12 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to recording and reporting vaccine adverse event data; to amend and reenact section 23-12-22 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the publication of vaccine adverse event data and information; to provide for a legislative management report; to provide an appropriation; to provide a continuing appropriation; and to provide an expiration date. House Human Services, Pioneer Room.

11:00 AM
HB 1458 A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 23-12 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to releasing a self-spreading virus; and to provide a penalty. A person may not develop, release, or take part in causing the release of any self-spreading virus or bacteria without the express written consent of each individual that may potentially be exposed to the self-spreading virus or bacteria. House Human Services, Pioneer Room.

3:00 PM
HB 1391 A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact sections 14-02.4-01, 14-02.4-02, 14-02.4-03, 14-02.4-04, 14-02.4-05, 14-02.4-06, 14-02.4-08, and 14-02.4-09, subsection 1 of section 14-02.4-14, subsection 1 of section 14-02.4-15, and sections 14-02.4-16 and 14-02.4-17 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to creating a new status related to human rights and anti-discrimination policies. Includes a definition for health status. House Human Services, Pioneer Room

Wednesday, February 5

9:00 AM
HB 1373 A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 12.1-16, a new section to chapter 12.1-17, and two new sections to chapter 32-21 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the definition of human being and person as the terms relate to the offenses of murder and assault, and civil actions for death caused by wrongful acts. It creates definitions: Human Being includes an unborn child; Unborn child means an individual living human child before birth from the beginning of biological development at the moment of fertilization upon the fusion of a human spermatozoon with a human ovum. This bill would not allow for the IVF process to continue. House Human Services, Pioneer Room

2:30 PM
HB 1488  A BILL for an Act to create and enact sections 14-02.1-04.3, 14-02.1-04.4, and 14-02.1-04.5 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the creation of an abortion approval committee, a framework for abortion, and an emergency medical exception; relating to abortion procedures, consent, and reporting requirements; and to repeal sections 14-02.1-03.4, 14-02.1-03.5, and 14-02.1-04 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to abortion restrictions. House Human Services, Pioneer Room.

2:30 PM
HB 2280 - A BILL for an Act to create and enact chapter 26.1-36.12 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to prior authorization for health and dental insurance. This bill was attempted before at the last session and it was converted to a study. The intent is to reduce the amount of prior authorizations requests and to streamline the prior authorization process. Senate Industry Business & Labor, Fort Union Room.

4:30 PM
HB 1511 A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new subsection to section 43-17-27.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the development of an instructional course by the state board of medicine. This bill would require the ND BOM to post an instructional video on the website to further explain North Dakota's abortion control act. House Human Services, Pioneer Room.


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