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Carrier Advisory Committee Seeks Physician Expertise on Draft Local Coverage Determinations
Posted 7/19/18 (Thu)
Noridian maintains a Carrier Advisory Committee (CAC) in each state to serve as a formal mechanism for physicians to be informed of and participate in the development of a Local Coverage Determination (LCD) in an advisory capacity.
The Montana/North Dakota/Wyoming Carrier Advisory Committee, co-chaired by William Noyes, MD of Grand Forks, held a meeting in June and was attended by NDMA Executive Director Courtney Koebele.
As a result, CAC is seeking PHYSICIAN COMMENTS on the following LCDs NO LATER THAN AUGUST 14, 2018:
Click on the link to learn more; then forward your comments to Ms. Koebele at, OR contact via phone: 701-223-9475.
Magnetic-Resonance-Guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery (MRgFUS) for Essential Tremor
- Focused ultrasound technique for treating tremors.
- This was initially non-covered but there is literature supporting the service in certain well-define patients.
- Literature does now support Benign Essential Tremors with certain criteria is met such as not eligible for surgery.
- Not covered for Parkinson Disease.
- Defines the limited indications for limited people.
- Defines limited coverage in limited circumstances.
o MolDX: Pigmented Lesion Assay (PLA)
- Evidence is insufficient to show any clinical utility so is a Noncoverage policy
Comments are greatly appreciated so any issues can be addressed before the policy finalizes.
NDMA Executive Director Courtney Koebele.
Learn more.