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Dr. Nagala Accepts Position to Serve on the Federation of State Medical Boards Audit Committee
Posted 5/25/18 (Fri)
The Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) Chair Dr. Patricia King appointed Rupkumar Nagala, MD, a family medicine physician with Sanford Health located in Oakes, to serve a one-year term on the FSMB’s Audit Committee.
The Federation of State Medical Boards represents the 70 state medical and osteopathic regulatory boards—commonly referred to as state medical boards—within the United States, its territories and the District of Columbia.
It supports its member boards as they fulfill their mandate of protecting the public’s health, safety and welfare through the proper licensing, disciplining, and regulation of physicians and, in most jurisdictions, other health care professionals.
The Audit Committee reviews the audit of the corporation and the accompanying financial statements.
Congratulations to NDMA member Dr. Rupkumar Nagala!