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Dr. Sticca Named President of Northern Plains Rural Surgical Society
Posted 4/04/19 (Thu)
NDMA member Robert Sticca, MD, FACS, chair of the UND Department of Surgery, was named President of the Northern Plains Rural Surgical Society (NPRSS) at the January 2019 annual meeting. The NPRSS is the only surgical society in the United States dedicated to supporting and promoting surgical education for the unique challenges of surgical care in rural settings. The UND Department of Surgery has a long history as a leader in training, continuing education, and support of rural surgeons and was a founding member of the NPRSS. The Northern Plains Rural Surgical Society is a 501(c)(3) organization committed to supporting and promoting surgical education, and maintenance of that education, to surgeons across Northern Plains states. Dr. Sticca’s terms expires in January 2021. For more information, visit:
Congratulations to NDMA member Dr. Robert Sticca!