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North Dakota Ranks First in Best Places to Practice Medicine
Posted 5/08/18 (Tue)
The best place to practice medicine? North Dakota. The worst? West Virginia.
That’s according to the 2018 Medscape Best & Worst Places to Practice rankings.
To identify the best and worst places to practice medicine, Medscape ranked each state based on factors affecting physicians' work life and life outside of work. Factors for the former included physician compensation, burnout, malpractice, healthcare quality, access to health and rate of uninsured patients, while factors for the latter included personal well-being, cost of living, higher education levels, median earnings, tax burden and unemployment.
NDMA President Fadel Nammour, MD, said our physician members make a difference in keeping North Dakota a good place to work and live. “Our physicians are dedicated to their patient practices and truly care about what happens in the field of medicine in North Dakota and at the federal level.”
NDMA salutes North Dakota for outstanding physician ranking performance!
NDMA advocates for North Dakota’s physicians and the well-being of the people of North Dakota.