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UND School of Medicine and Health Sciences Medical Students Receive 2019 Awards
Posted 5/23/19 (Thu)
The North Dakota Medical Association is proud to sponsor the following awards for outstanding UND medical students who exemplify high scholarship, integrity, leadership and initiative.
2019 Graduating Medical Student Outstanding Award Winners

NDMA Awards were given to three outstanding class of 2019 UND senior medical students: (left to right) Emily Olig (Fargo, ND), Janet Julson (Galchutte, ND), and Matthew Winkels (Fargo, ND).
Pictured with students: Joshua Wynne, MD, MBA, MPH, Dean, UND School of Medicine and Health Sciences (L) and NDMA President Fadel Nammour, MD (R).
2019 UND Sophomore Outstanding Awards

Group Leadership and Professionalism
Audrey Lane, Elko-New Market, MN

Peer Teaching
Allie Trudel, Granite Falls, MN

Integration of Basic Science and Clinical Application
Heather Kaluzniak, Plymouth, MN