

The North Dakota Medical Association staff includes an attorney available to discuss legal matters. NDMA members may contact the NDMA General Counsel at (701) 223-9475.


Find the Law

Federal Laws - Legislation passed by the US Congress and signed by the President is law and becomes a part of the United States Code.

Federal Legislation - Bills introduced in the US Congress are cited as "HR" if a House bill and "S." if a Senate bill. Go to to search for congressional legislation.

Federal Regulations - Regulations adopted by a federal agency are cited for their location in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

Proposed Federal Regulations - Before an agency can adopt a regulation, it must give the public notice and, except in narrow circumstances, must provide the public with the opportunity to comment. The Federal Register, published each weekday except holidays, is the key resource for information about proposed regulations of federal agencies. Regulations adopted by an agency are also published in the Federal Register along with the agency's response to public comments.

North Dakota Statutes - Legislation passed by the North Dakota Legislative Assembly and signed by the Governor is found in the North Dakota Century Code. North Dakota statutes are cited as a reference to either a title, chaper or section of the North Dakota Century Code. 

North Dakota Administrative Rules - Rules adopted by a state agency are available in the North Dakota Administrative Code.

North Dakota Supreme Court - The North Dakota Supreme Court website includes opinions, court calendars, court rules, a lawyer directory and other information about the North Dakota judicial system. 

North Dakota Attorney General Opinions - The office of Attorney General issues formal and informal opinions on matters of law.

US Supreme Court Cases - The website of the Supreme Court of the United States includes court opinions and briefs.

Other Laws - This website of the Washburn University School of Law (WashLaw) provides law sources on a state, national and international basis and is a good source for legal research.





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